Keeping Providers & Families Healthy​

​Free COVID-19 e-Screen Telemedicine for Health Care Organizations

In response to the coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic, working with our partner, VitalTech, we are offering FREE use of VitalCare COVID-19 e-Screen for medical practices, hospitals, senior living and other health care organizations.  There is no obligation.

The VitalCare Platform allows you to remotely monitor temperature and/or oxygen saturation for your employees and their family members  for symptoms of COVID-19 before they come to the office.

NOTE: We are expanding e-Screen to include patients.  Ask us about enrolling your patients for free.
The  Message function in the VitalCare platform let’s you send an automatic morning message reminding them to follow the COVID screening protocol and take their temperature.  If the temperature is over the threshold, you can contact them directly from the VitalCare platform including video calls.  Likewise, if their O2 saturation drops you need to take action.  All calls are recorded as part of Vitaltech’s  HIPAA compliance.

We want to do everything we can to keep your healthcare workers healthy. We sincerely hope this helps keep you and your employees working during this crisis. 


What’s Involved?
The program is free for at least  90 days.  At the end of 90 days, we will contact you.  If you need to extend using VitalCare e-Screen, let us know then.  You are obliged to fill out and sign the Business Affiliate Agreement (BAA) which covers both you and VitalTech regarding private data. It is not a sales contract.

You will have a link to set up your VitalCare administrative platform and your employees will have a link to create their VitalCare user account. We will walk you through the set up and if you want additional training, we can set that up as well.  For this project, basic training is enough.
Fill out the form below to sign up or  click to send an email now.  We will quickly contact you. 

Getting started.
1. Fill out the form below.
2. All you need is a name, email, phone number and name of the practice/ hospital/ institution (your “community”).
3. Please use an email and phone number that goes to the person managing the program.
4. You will be sent to our download page for the BAA.  ​
5. We will send a link for your users (employees, patients) to self sign up.
6. We have videos on our site to help you and VitalTech has several webinars a week for both admins and users. 

This is no obligation. If after signing up, you decide to not use it, we will just delete your account.  It really is that easy.